Founded in tradition and intermixed with imagination, CRUjiente Tacos is a modern neighborhood taqueria in a lively intimate dining and bar space that interprets the evolution of tacos with redefined renditions of the classic Mexican street taco. The chef-driven menu features a Latin-inspired cuisine with sharable small plates of soulful guacamoles, aguachiles, ceviches, seasonal soups, and salads. CRUjiente Tacos features a juxtaposition of “crujiente” or crunchy and street-style tacos with each hand-held delicacy containing bold flavors, fresh, high-quality ingredients, and more style, texture and variety than traditional street tacos.

Cocktail connoisseurs at CRU Tacos craft a modern cocktail list with bourbon, whiskey, tequila and mezcal-infused chilled concoctions and expertly curated a selection of beer. Experience the re-birth of Latin cuisine and raise your spirits for dinner or late-night libations in Arcadia.

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